本帖最後由 mdsohanuzzaman1 於 2024-3-2 18:20 編輯
Example: conferences, congresses, networking events, etc. 4. Reverse mentoring Unlike peer mentoring, in this case the practice is carried out between two people with different roles and is oriented towards reciprocal learning. That is, due to the generational gap between them or the existing technological advances, the mentor learns from the mentee about their way of seeing things . Example: senior employees learning from juniors about the application of technology in the workplace. 5.
Mentoring grupal The practice is about the relationship between the mentor and a group Cambodia Phone Number Data of people participating in the same project . The mentor tries to achieve the common good of the entire group. In this sense, group meetings are ideal for mentoring for entrepreneurs , since it encourages the people who participate in them to share valuable information. And thanks to this, the chances of success of its members increase. Example: in which meetings are held to monitor projects; or a training program for entrepreneurs in which the mentor guides the teams to carry out a business prototype.

6. Cross mentoring This is an exchange of mentors and apprentices between companies or educational institutions . In this way, participants get to know different professional practices, create alliances, learn about other mentalities or ways of working, etc. Example: the exchange between students from different universities or the exchange of workers between offices in different countries or regions. types of mentoring Duties of a mentor The main functions of a mentor are: Advise and advise: he does this through the transmission of his knowledge and experience to trainees.