This technology also provides two additional advantages the ability to change votes until the vote closes and to track and verify the vote after the vote. Read also How to create your own digital currency it's not very difficult Using Blockchain to protect intellectual property rights Using Blockchain to protect intellectual property rights Blockchain technology has played a very large role in the fields of arts and creativity as it has become the most supportive technology for creators in several ways the one of which we are interested in in this article is that it preserves the intellectual property rights of their various works whether in the form of text painting or .
Design audio video or any other possible format. This is what prompted artists to upload their works on the blockchain network through the various platforms that exist today and this is because it guarantees them the profits of ownership and allBelgium WhatsApp Number Dataows them to finance their future productions and works and the simplest example of this is the NFT or non-fungible tokens that we are talking about.of smart contracts led to a boom in artists and creators using blockchain technology to sell their work as smart contracts provided them with the control and flexibility they wanted.
There are now many platforms based on blockchain technology that are widely used by artists in order to preserve the intellectual property rights of their works including Binded and Pixsy. The use of blockchain in the field of crowdfunding The use of blockchain in crowdfunding CrowdFunding is one of the fields that Blockchain technology has strongly stormed as with the emergence of Blockchain and digital currencies in addition to smart contracts Blockchain platforms and companies have become the ideal choice.