Pages rolling out to 1 billion more people in Asia " published on Search Engine Land . Google's push for AMP has continued since its launch. I was a little surprised by Baidu's response, but since it can be said that this technology is aimed at emerging countries where network environments are not well established, it seems like a very good match. Although AMP is still in the development stage, we can expect future expansion. – SEO Japan Google's new "ads" label. The green-framed, white-painted design has officially rolled out. Last updated: 2024/02/16 blog "Advertisement" label displayed in Google search results. It looks like this new design has been officially rolled out. The fill has been changed to white, and the frame and text color are now green. (It's hard to explain in words...) These tests are conducted regularly, and sightings often become a hot topic.
This change is not a test and appears to be rolling out worldwide. Currently, it seems that the old design is sometimes displayed, but what about it in your case? – SEO Japan A new ad label that appears on search results screens is starting to roll out globally. google-adwords-green-outline-ad-2017-1920 *All linked India Phone Number articles within the article are in English. Over the past few weeks, many users have noticed a new way to display ad labels in Google's search results. Google has long been testing the ad labels it displays in search results.

Instead of a green fill design, the new label has a green border with a white background. google-ad-label-outline-test-incognito-800x536 Sightings have been increasing rapidly over the past few days, and Search Engine Land now has an official announcement from Google that the new design is starting to roll out around the world. "We're always testing how search results look. After testing a new design with a green border, Google decided to roll out this design. ,” a Google spokesperson told Search Engine Land on Wednesday.