The Department of Labor and Social Insurance of December , , act VII U . Therefore, the appearance of a declaration of will in the context of an employment contract is nothing more than concealing a real declaration of will to obtain benefits , i.e. submitting a declaration of will for the sake of appearance, when the parties have no intention of causing any legal effects at all. In such a situation, declarations of will are not made in the form of establishing an employment relationship, but only the appearance of establishing one is created.
Consequences of concluding a sham employment contract As a rule, a person who has concluded an employment philippines photo editor contract for convenience is not subject to employee social insurance, i.e. in a situation where, when submitting declarations of will, both parties are aware that the person specified in the employment contract as an employee will not perform work, and the person indicated as the employer will not use her work so - rd Department of Labor and Social Insurance in the judgment of March.
If the employment contract is considered bogus by the Social Insurance Institution, the institution: will suspend the payment of benefits to the employee and oblige him to return them with interest will impose on the employer the obligation to take steps such as preparing, among others: corrections of settlement declarations relating to a given person, contribution and benefit reports. If you are interested in the topic of ZUS contributions collected on mandate contracts in , please see here.