When you are working with a web designer, you must submit your content in the most up-to-date and organized manner. Because the contents and options of the list have a great effect on the design, to start the design, you should at least provide a paper copy of the contents and photos to your designer. First step: Download the website content starter kit. This plugin includes a sample of word templates that you can use to organize your site's list, pages, and images. You can send us a sample of it so that we can apply it in your website design. This sample is provided to the developer of the Darkob Group site, Mr. Mohammad Baloipour, and the programmer of the group, Mr. Ahmed Baloipour, to be applied to your site. Second step: Determining the general structure of the list and titles. Open a word file and enter the main titles of the site. These are the pages of the site.
To show subpages or subheadings, create a new line below each page, tab to create telephone number list a space, and then write the subheading. as below: Home Page about us Services Web design SEO Site development customers Contact us Third step: Write the content of the site in the same plugin that you downloaded in the first step, go to the Page templates section. Create a separate section for each page of your site and name it the same as the name of the same page. For example, docx. home page or docx about us. Do not put photos in the Word file because the Word file compresses the photos and reduces their quality. To show that a part of a specific photo or file should be placed, put the name of that photo or file between brackets.
Do not use fancy colors and fonts, or in other words, do not "design" in the Word file. Leave these tasks to the designer and graphic designer of Darkob Group website, Mrs. Parinaz Shahabuddin, so that they can achieve the best results for you with their skills and artistry. Fourth step: organize the images and files in the plugin you installed, go to the files & images folder and create a folder under this folder for the images of each page with the same page name. Copy the photos of each page into its own folder. Always send photos with the highest resolution you have. If you have ESP, SL and PDF formats of graphic files (such as logos), send them in those formats. It is better to save the files that are going to be downloadable on your site, such as brochures and text files, in PDF format. Fifth step: Sending content You can email us your content or upload the file directly to google drive or dropbox.