Delete & Repost Your ArticlesMedium optimization tips Jon Snow resurrected Game of ThronesNot every Medium article you post will be a blockbuster. However, if you really believe your article should have done well, but it didn’t get reads and hearts for whatever reason, you absolutely can delete it and republish it.Give your content a third chance (the first chance being wherever it initially published, and its second being its first incarnation on Medium) if it has less than 1,000 views and 50 hearts.
Try again.There is a bit of randomness to success on Medium. when people Greece WhatsApp Number Data are active, creating a snowball of people recommending your post.Just because your content underperformed twice doesn’t mean it will suffer the same outcome every time. Hopefully the third time is the charm. If you try more than 3 times, make sure you change the title and image because at some point, trying the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result becomes a bit insane.
Also, wait at least a month or two between tries so as not to drive your followers crazy.5. Build Your Twitter & Facebook FansMedium automatically syncs your followers to match your Twitter and Facebook followers. So you need to get more readers into your personal funnel.Everything you’re doing to grow your Twitter and Facebook following will ultimately help you on Medium (just as, in turn, everything you do on Medium will help grow your Twitter following and Facebook fans).