Into a particular point by answering a question related to the broader topic of the pillar page. Developing a keyword strategy based on creating topic clusters helps you target prospects at each stage of the buying cycle. It helps you develop a scalable content strategy that you can rely on month after month. This makes it easier to organize content, demonstrate your expertise and depth of knowledge on a topic, and avoid keyword cannibalization . And at this stage, you need to develop a keyword strategy in line with the buyer personas and your keyword research around each of them.
Create and optimize landing pages for your products Last Review or services Don't lose sight of your main goals and KPIs . While it's important to rank well and create content to increase lead traffic at each stage of the sales funnel, your end goal is to close a sale. This means making sure you have created strong sales or service pages. For B2B companies, sales pages often constitute the pillar pages of topic clusters. You can create clustered content around these to add depth, gain traffic through the funnel, and answer your prospects' questions.
We love the Zoho CRM home page ... Create landing page experiences that actually sell your product or service while providing an overview of the topic cluster (when used as a pillar page) and the ability to click through to content in the cluster. 6. Develop a Scalable Content Strategy Sales pages are typically found at the very bottom of a B2B sales funnel, at the action stage. This is why it is important for B2B SEO to have a scalable content strategy that increases visibility at the top of the funnel. In most cases, this content strategy involves your blog or content hub.