So that minors act as a transmission belt with the family. Achieving an awareness of children that is a first step to get involved in solving the ecological problems in their area of residence. On the other hand, in order to develop a School Agenda 21 program, the participation of the entire social network that gathers around the school is necessary. This basically involves schoolchildren, teachers and other actors (political or technical). Nor should we forget, in this participation scheme.
The non-teaching staff of the centers and their families (often grouped in associations of parents of students). Innovation plays a basic role in this network of connections. Likewise, universities and environmental technicians and moible number data professionals cannot be left out at any time. The human capital and material resources that come from careers related to the natural sciences currently established in Spain must be used. For example, in order to carry out training and propaganda actions.
Certain technical means will be required: projection equipment or technological systems for sending information. In this sense, the successful development of the Local Agenda 21 will depend, to a large extent, on the fact that investments in R + D + I are not paralyzed. Consequently, the innovation factor is found, due to the economic crisis that Spain is going through since 2008, in danger, a circumstance that can make it difficult to attract and promote environmental programs. In another order of things.