Within the company, the point of reference will be sales managers, salespeople and other collaborators, as long as they have interactions with customers and know the answers to questions regarding buyer personas. These are invaluable resources at this stage, as they spend a lot of time talking, discussing and listening to the needs of prospects and customers. Externally, however, think about those among your customers who represent the ideal you would like to replicate and ask for their collaboration, interviewing them to understand, from their point of view, the experience, objectives, difficulties, and so on.
This technique is particularly effective because it will allow you to have a much more realistic identikit that wedding photo editing service comes directly from the target. Returning to the topic of the company website, the buyer persona, combined with the objectives you have established for the digital plan, will guide you in future choices regarding functions, content, design, style and other key elements of the site. For example, if you know that one of the biggest difficulties for the buyer persona is finding time and resources to carry out quality checks on the purchased components and your product.

Certified by an impartial body, enter the certifications on the home page and you will be sure to touch a button painful for the visitor looking for a solution. Content built FOR the target audience, however, serves much more than just creating web pages. An article for the company blog or a premium material such as an eBook will meet the information needs of prospects even better, but without the definition of buyer personas, i.e. based only on assumptions, you will simply write about what is interesting for you and not for the target audience.