Email That elegant gentleman who was once a solitary king on the internet and who we thought would be the end of postmen. A letter took between and 7 days to arrive, in addition to everything that involved going to the post office. While an email was responded to at the incredible speed of 48 hours at most. I confess that once I bought a mailing list (we all have some stain in the past) I remember the feeling that all my problems were over, I could see the multitude of messages in response to mine. It was that day that I understood the deep abyss of my expectations.
In other words, we have the channels and we have the Internet but it is Bahamas WhatsApp Number useless if we do not know how to distribute and that is where content marketing comes in. Other channels Apart from the aforementioned channels, there are some others that allow us to distribute content in a different way, such as webinars and podcasts. What to take into account when distributing content? I think I already told you once that I am in love with the concept of Persona , so if one day I marry her, Distribution would be my mother-in-law, because the Persona is born to solve distribution problems, to understand the channels.

Content is king, distribution is queen, the person is a princess and all content producers are princes. The Persona is the first response to all those problems we face, thanks to the Persona, emails are answered, those who confirm presence at your event really go, your blog is read and your website becomes a reference among your clients. The Persona gave a new dimension to the concept of happiness. Less is more: the power of segmentation Let's continue understanding distribution and its channels, for that we have to understand the mirage that the Internet produced in its beginning when it made us think that distributing was very easy. Who was ever naive and believed that with an email list they were going to get a lot of sales.