The different types of publications on Google Business Update posts or news Posting news helps businesses update their Google Business profile information. With this feature, customers can easily find the latest information about your business, such as your opening hours, website, or address. The “Update Post” option also allows you to include photos, videos and other rich media to help tell your story. The Update Post service is free and accessible to all businesses with a Google Business profile. To get started, simply log in to your business profile and click the “Update Post” button.
From there, you can add or edit your information, then post your changes so they're immediately Chinese Singapore Phone Number List visible to online customers. The “Update Post” option is an essential tool for keeping your business information up to date and making sure customers can easily find you online. “Offer” type publications This type of post is for businesses that want to inform their customers about a special sale, promotion, or special offer. Similar to the “Update” feature, businesses can include photos, videos, and other rich media to help them tell their story. with a Google Business profile, so why not use it? In order to measure the importance and impact that this type of publication can have on your audience, it is very simple to regularly publish promo codes in these publications.

By creating unique and specific promo codes for these posts, you will be able to quickly and easily track how many people used your code and, more importantly, how much revenue each post generated If you don't know how to get started, simply log in to your business profile and click the “Offers” button. From there, you can add or edit your information, then post your changes so that they count toward the revenue generated by these marketing campaigns. “Event” type publications The latter type of message is perfect for businesses that want to promote an upcoming event or special occasion.