Of projects that suit the nature of their work. When your project is accepted into one of the business incubators, this incubator will provide all the necessary supplies to build this project, including: Providing a work office for the startup company. Identifying and equipping the company's administrative staff. Comprehensive training programs for the entrepreneur and his supporting staff and developing their capabilities.
Assistance in providing all work equipment. Recruitment and Chinese Europe Phone Number List registration procedures, and providing appropriate human resources. Assisting in developing the company's product and providing marketing services. Unlike business accelerators, as we will mention later, business incubators work in the long term. The incubation period may last for a few years until your company becomes ready, active, and sustainable in the labor market. Read also: The most important business incubators in Egypt and all the information about each of them WHAT ARE BUSINESS ACCELERATORS (IN BRIEF)? Business accelerators: These are institutions that work to help and support developing projects and companies that have passed the establishment stage, and provide aids that help these companies to overcome the obstacles that hinder their work and production.

From its name, you can get an idea about the nature of its work, as it supervises new companies with little experience, and helps them accelerate the pace of work and raise the level of production. Business accelerators provide services similar to those provided by incubators, including financial support and training - which is usually intensive - in addition to providing technical and technical consultations. But the time period for business accelerators is short compared to business incubators, as it is short and ranges from 3 to 6 months. Now we are here to discuss the difference between business incubators and accelerators specifically. Read also: The 15 best books about entrepreneurship and building successful projects. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the difference between business incubators and accelerators.