The digital transformation plan When digital transformation occurs in companies, they rebuild their dynamics in order to adapt them to the existing needs of now and those that will come in the future. Therefore, digitalization is a fundamental piece in the business plan , which must be included through your own digital transformation plan. This digital transformation plan must contain several important elements The plan to carry out the change towards a digital culture. A plan for the reorganization of the business structure, with the redefinition of positions and tasks.
The training scheme for employees with the necessary tools for change. A plan to Mexico Phone Number Data incorporate new profiles, such as a CIO, as well as the training process for them. The technological plan, which must be progressive. . Company transformation After the aforementioned phases, next would come the turn of organizational change. This is the time to delve into another of the keys to digitalization working on the components of the company. In the digital sphere, classic organization models are replaced by liquid organization models. In addition, much more agile methodologies.

Organizational systems are implemented. Hierarchies will continue to exist, but systems will become increasingly horizontal. This allows workers to be empowered when creating and generating value. Of course, senior management must also be involved in the transformation project and open leadership must be promoted. . Project implementation and progressive incorporation of technologies After betting on change, being trained for it and having a strategy, the next step in the digitalization process of a company will be to implement key projects and technologies.